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Course Description

by Dr. William L. Honig last modified 2008-01-12 05:56 PM

Computer Science 320 - Systems Analysis and Design

Systems Design and Analysis is about understanding and creating the footprints for implementation of computer based systems. These footprints give a complete plan for implementation and ensure that the system does the right things in the right way.

Systems Analysis and Design is a key skill – one that will never go out of style even in these days of outsourcing and organization downsizing. .

There is great demand for people in these high level jobs doing analysis, system architecture, and design – and it's unlikely to change since computers are vital parts of almost everything.

Loyola University Chicago's Water Tower Campus

In class we will work with "real world" example systems, including traditional information systems and real-time embedded systems. We will focus on using the Unified Modeling Language (UML) but also get some exposure to other approaches.

For more details, including class syllabus and other links, click here.

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