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Check out the analogy between system analysis and SuDoKu Puzzles

EasySudoku by Dr. William L. Honig — last modified 2005-09-18 06:21 PM
SuDoKu Puzzle worked in class. Just like systems analysis, the solution set is constrained
SudokuSolution by Dr. William L. Honig — last modified 2005-09-18 06:27 PM
Solution for the above puzzle. SuDoKu Puzzles (at least proper ones) have a single solution that can be found by logic. System Analysis and Design also let's logic be used to find a correct solution without guessing.
A good web resource for SuDoKu by Dr. William L. Honig — last modified 2005-09-18 06:24 PM
Example puzzles and solutions here
Another SuDoKu Web Site by Dr. William L. Honig — last modified 2005-09-18 06:28 PM
Allows you to try out solutions. Also a good paper on how to solve SuDoKu of all levels of difficulty. Systems Thinking found here!
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