Introduction to the Course Modules
Overview of the five course modules, including description of their purpose and the types of material in each module
(For a general introduction to and purpose of these materials, please return to Evoke Modules and see the Read Me First document)
General Usage of Course Modules
The set of course modules presented here are for use in courses that expose students to the theory and practice of computer science and computing applications. These modules will assist students in making career choices, help them understand how they can apply their own gifts and talents, and enable them to determine if their true passion is leading them towards computing.
Each course module is planned for use during one week of class. Each module should take approximately 100 minutes of class time and can be used across one or more days.
Modules are expected to be used as part of a class and intermixed with the remaining class materials. This structure ensures that students are exposed to computing concepts and exercises while also exploring career and calling.
It is expected that two to three modules will be used in a single course to allow sufficient time for student reflection on the topic.
Module Contents
A typical module will include presentation materials for faculty / facilitator use in the classroom, packaged computer video and/or graphic materials (for excitement and attention getting), and one or more student activities (e.g. survey, evaluation, or questionnaire.
Each module is organized primarily in its own folder. To access a module click on its folder and name in the left side navigation section of any page.
Most materials for each module are in the module folder. However, videos, some other graphics or media files, and other shared items are in the folders toward the bottom of the navigation section on each page. This structure allows such materials to be used in multiple modules.
Syllabus Notes
The syllabus for each module lists each activity and an estimated time for that activity. Appropriate class breaks (between various days in a week) are suggested but can be adjusted as necessary.
Status of Modules
As planned, not all modules are yet complete; however, some information for each module is available.
Currently the completed modules are being testing during the Fall 2005 semester at Loyola University Chicago. Changes to those modules and completion of the remaining modules will take place after this testing is complete.
Updates will appear here. Watch the "news" heading on this page for update announcements and the completion of the remaining modules.
The current status of each module is
- Where and What Do I Do with Computers? Outline only.
- How Do I Know I Will Like Doing Things with Computers? Complete and undergoing testing now.
- What Do Computers Do that Involve People and Society? Preliminary materials.
- What Must I Do to Be Successful in the Vocation? Complete and undergoing testing now.
- What Role Models or Recent Students Can I Follow? Outline and limited materials.