Start Here (Read Me First)
Introduction and guide to these web materials - Course Modules to "Determine Your Calling to a Computing Vocation"
This page is a "Read Me First" document to introduce the web materials you are now looking at - Welcome!
"Am I feeling a call to a computing career?"
High school and university students
Purpose and Use of These Materials
These web pages provide several course modules that can be integrated into existing courses in computing areas. The modules will help faculty members and advisors work with their students to understand and determine the student's personal interest, excitement and calling to a career using computers.
The course modules are designed to work within the two current introductory Computer Science courses that are part of the new university core. However, I expect the courses are also applicable to computing related courses in other areas including the School of Business, School of Nursing, and the other sciences in College of Arts and Science.
Other faculty members are welcome to use and adapt the materials into their own courses. I do appreciate appropriate attribution, comments on your use of the modules, and feedback on any and all parts of their content.
Each course module is presented in its own folder, accessed from the left hand side navigation section of any page. Simply click on the name of the folder you wish to visit next. To return to the starting point, click on the top level "Evoke Modules" link in the navigation secion of any page.
To continue the overview, please return to "Evoke Modules" now and take a look at "introduction to the Course Modules".
Evaluation of The Modules
An evaulation form, intended for completion by students who experience these modules, is provided in the Support and Misc. Items folder. This form is ideally used at the end of each module or at least at the conclusion of the final module employed in a course.
Comments, Questions?
If you have questions, suggestions, and comments of any kind, I would love to hear them. In particular, if you use these modules I would appreciate your feedback including the results of the evaluation(s).
Thanks for taking a look at these materials, and best wishes for your own "calling"!
William Honig
Work on these course modules was initiated under and supported by a Loyola University Chicago Evoke Faculty Incentive Grant.