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Getting Started

by Dr. William L. Honig last modified 2009-12-22 08:43 PM

How to get ready for the course

Microcontroller Design and Interfacing - Comp 366 / Phys 366 and Comp 488 (graduate students)

What you need to do, read, think about and get ready...

What is Arduino?:

A real quick overview - read all of it...then look around for more info (let me know if you find good things to add here)

Arduino hardware Duemilanove and some help in saying the name too!

Software Development Environment:

The high level programming environment lets you use C and a number of built in APIs to control Arduino boards. Download onto your computer from

Arduino SDE dowload

See other programming options if you are interested on Course Information

High Level Language Programming of Arduino:

Here's an excellent quide - a quick start into C and its use with Arduino programming notebook

And a programming overview Arduino Language Reference

Other Information (links):

Arduino Home - an international project used around the world by everyone from artists to engineers, Arduino

Index to many things done with Arduino:Projects

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