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All the details on your assignments. Submit your work in Sakai.

How To Submit Your Assignments by Dr. William L. Honig — last modified 2009-02-13 10:38 PM
A simple and important process to follow to submit your work in Blackboard. Follow it fully and you will be fine; otherwise, it is easy to mess up (and lose points). See the list of acceptable file formats as well. See the latest updates in version 3
P1: Hello World Extended by Dr. William L. Honig — last modified 2009-01-13 08:17 PM
Gain familiarity with Windows Mobile and managed code
P2: Files and GUI by Dr. William L. Honig — last modified 2009-01-13 08:19 PM
A multiple window application
Ri: Explore Features by Dr. William L. Honig — last modified 2009-01-13 09:49 PM
Presentation Assignments R1, R3, R5, etc. Explore and report on operating system / application features
Ri: Demonstrate Code by Dr. William L. Honig — last modified 2009-01-27 05:16 PM
Develop a program to show how a key feature or function works. Assignments R2, R4, ...
P3: Android GUI by Dr. William L. Honig — last modified 2009-02-10 08:40 PM
Simple Google Android GUI program - say Hi to yourself
P4: Android Database by Dr. William L. Honig — last modified 2009-02-18 02:01 PM
Using the Sqlite database and tools
P5: Symbian GUI by Dr. William L. Honig — last modified 2009-03-24 03:09 PM
A basic use of PyS60 and the Symbian GUI
Android Studio on Your Computer by Dr. William L. Honig — last modified 2013-08-26 08:22 PM
Get set up with the Android IDE. Check out some of the key parts and tools.
Android Development Familiarization by Dr. William L. Honig — last modified 2013-08-26 08:47 PM
Get comfortable with a very basic program. Test is carefully!
Android File Communication Between Apps by Dr. William L. Honig — last modified 2013-09-02 03:22 PM
Files are a primitive form of inter app communication and information sharing. Learn the basics of the Android file structure and how to share between apps on the same device.
Course Project and Proposal by Dr. William L. Honig — last modified 2013-09-19 08:04 PM
Your course project using the mobile OS of your choice. You must define the project and submit a proposal for approval.
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