Example Apps
Up one levelExamples used in class - working Apps or starting points for your projects
- App Inventor2 Example Apps — by Dr. William L. Honig — last modified 2014-06-02 07:46 PM
- Now examples using App Inventor2
- Pictures, Sound, Video with App Inventor — by Dr. William L. Honig — last modified 2014-01-03 01:48 PM
- App Inventor can do lots with media. Here are some hints and suggestions to ease your learning.
- Simple TinyDB Example — by Dr. William L. Honig — last modified 2012-01-06 05:08 PM
- Understand the difference between saving in a variable and persistent data in a data base
- TinyDB Quick Notes App — by Dr. William L. Honig — last modified 2011-03-29 05:52 PM
- Basic starting point for using TinyDB as a data base for a relational table.
- DecisionTableGuide — by Dr. William L. Honig — last modified 2011-04-13 11:25 AM
- App Inventor app showing how to get started with a decision table implementation
- Simple Timer Clock — by Dr. William L. Honig — last modified 2012-01-06 05:03 PM
- Using clocks as timers in programs is very common. See how two timers can interact in App Inventor
- Clock and Now App — by Dr. William L. Honig — last modified 2011-04-15 08:40 PM
- A simple App Inventor app showing how to use the clock component to do calculations with times and dates. My example lets you decide if some date and time is within an hour of the current time (modify for your own use).
- Activity Starter Example Apps — by Dr. William L. Honig — last modified 2012-03-15 12:04 AM
- How to have multiple apps work together.
- Introduction to Location Sensor — by Dr. William L. Honig — last modified 2012-04-15 09:11 PM
- A simple app using Location Sensor and Acitvity Starter
- Sound and Video Components — by Dr. William L. Honig — last modified 2013-01-04 03:19 PM
- Simple example from class on the Player and VideoPlayer components in App Inventor. Use to play longer clips than Sound component
- Sound and Video with Lists — by Dr. William L. Honig — last modified 2013-01-04 03:21 PM
- Updated example from class with a start at using a list to pick the current video
- Android Layouts in App Inventor — by Dr. William L. Honig — last modified 2013-01-04 03:27 PM
- Class room starter on using different layouts. For you to play with and update.
- Introduction to logic with If and For loops — by Dr. William L. Honig — last modified 2013-02-19 01:44 PM
- Learn how to use control structures in App Inventor
- Using Lists and Finding the Max Number in A List — by Dr. William L. Honig — last modified 2013-03-28 11:56 AM
- A student is working on a quiz program. Wants to have questions and answers that determine which author the user is most like. See the starter for this app. It uses lists of lists, and includes a subroutine that finds which list index item is the highest number (not such an easy thing to do in App Inventor)
- Introduction to Lists in App Inventor — by Dr. William L. Honig — last modified 2014-01-04 01:42 PM
- Lists are variables that have *any number* of things in them. See this starter app for a grocery list. Can you modify this app to remove items from the list?
- PainTTastic Example Student App — by Dr. William L. Honig — last modified 2014-01-09 04:14 PM
- Draw your own greeting card, add sayings, work with colors; example student project
- Making Your Own Colors — by Dr. William L. Honig — last modified 2014-04-03 02:00 PM
- Tired of the build in colors in AppInventor? You can make any color you wish and use it in the Blocks Editor! See the example app.