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App Inventor 2 Reference Documentation by Dr. William L. Honig — last modified 2014-08-14 05:29 PM
The place to look up a component, a block, and see all the details of App Inventor 2
Ten Key App Inventor Concepts by Dr. William L. Honig — last modified 2014-08-27 01:53 PM
Do you know all ten?
Structure of a Simple App by Dr. William L. Honig — last modified 2011-02-09 01:45 PM
To design your complete app, see this guide
Using Your Apple Mac with App Inventor by Dr. William L. Honig — last modified 2011-03-29 05:43 PM
How to avoid problems when you want to save your app and give to someone with a PC.
Introduction to Variables by Dr. William L. Honig — last modified 2011-02-12 04:21 PM
App Inventor variables let you keep track of things between events and use them later (programmers call these global variables)
Using Clock as a Timer (Video) by Dr. William L. Honig — last modified 2012-07-14 06:40 PM
A video showing the Clock Component in App Inventor and how to use it as a simple timer. Example app showing two timers interacting. (About 5 minutes, .swf file)
Using Clock Quick Notes by Dr. William L. Honig — last modified 2011-04-15 08:37 PM
How to get started using App Inventor Clock for doing some time and date calculations
TinyDB Quick Notes by Dr. William L. Honig — last modified 2011-03-29 05:36 PM
How to use TinyDB as a simple data base. Make TinyDB work like a relational data base table.
Activity Starter Quick Notes by Dr. William L. Honig — last modified 2011-04-01 02:18 PM
An introduction to the basics of using App Inventor Activity Starter. Lots of ways to make your app do new things including have multiple screens.
Decision Table Quick Guide by Dr. William L. Honig — last modified 2011-04-09 05:55 PM
Learn how to do systems analysis with a decision table. Explore options for implementation with App Inventor
Location Sensor Quick Notes by Dr. William L. Honig — last modified 2012-04-15 09:02 PM
Get the basics of location aware apps using the App Inventor Location Sensor component. See how you can test with fake locations in the emulator!
Quick Look At Adobe Connect (Video) by Dr. William L. Honig — last modified 2012-12-30 04:05 PM
Introduction to Adobe Connect and some troubleshooting hints. See what you should see if Adobe Connect is working right on your computer! ( about 5 minutes, .mp4)
Example of Play Video Play Sound by Dr. William L. Honig — last modified 2013-05-23 06:13 PM
Play with my simple example of the components that play videos and sound. To upload video and sound into App Inventor you need clips that are less than 1Meg. You cannot have too many of them in one app as the total size of you app is limited to about 5Meg. I find that .mp4 and .3gp files work. Both are H264 encodings of video with is generally supported on all Androids. One source for videos is
Lists Quick Notes by Dr. William L. Honig — last modified 2013-05-23 06:16 PM
Lists are very useful to keep multiple related things
App Inventor 1 Reference Pages by Dr. William L. Honig — last modified 2014-02-18 12:58 PM
The place to see all about the components, properties, and events for App Inventor 1
Sound and Video Quick Notes by Dr. William L. Honig — last modified 2014-08-14 07:14 PM
Introduction to using sound and video in App Inventor. Includes suggested file formats and which App Inventor components to use.
Example of Use Cases - Calorie Counter by Dr. William L. Honig — last modified 2014-10-24 11:14 PM
See one way to divide the Calorie Counter Assignment into Use Cases. Can you add some more use cases for the extra credit options?
Introduction to Use Cases by Dr. William L. Honig — last modified 2014-10-24 11:16 PM
Systems Analysis, System Planning, Requirements
Example TicTacToe Game (video) by Dr. William L. Honig — last modified 2015-05-18 09:02 PM
Here's a complex app that gives you a good idea of what you can do with App Inventor 2. Introduction to all the parts of App Inventor, and many of the key concepts to learn in the course. Beware: this is a large app and quite advanced; you may not understand all of it at once. In App Inventor it is good to look at completed apps like this one: try to make some changes and see what happens!
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